
Why create outreach?

With an ever-growing number of smartphone and tablet users in the world, information is easier to access than ever before, and this has created exciting new opportunities for informing the public about your work.

Lost Nomad Media offers a variety of services to help researchers, educators, and non-profit organizations share what they’ve discovered, what they’re working on, and what their excited about with a global audience. By bringing your efforts out of the lab and onto the web, you can share your passion for science with the world, and keep people informed about the exciting work you’re doing.

What Lost Nomad Media can do for you:

If you’re thinking about creating outreach media for an existing project or want to include a unique outreach proposal in a grant you’re submitting, Lost Nomad Media is an adept resource that can help you develop your vision.

Our staff includes filmmakers, interactive designers, graphic designers, and developers with experience in the entertainment and science industries. From concept to execution, deployment strategy to launch, our team can help you create galvanizing new outreach material.

To find out more about what Lost Nomad Media can do for you, check out our services page.

A world of possibility awaits you!